the next step

The Next Step
Northern Plains Dance is ready
To move forward to a new facility with a highly functional interior
To maintain our reputation as one of the best training and presenting organizations in the area
To expand our programs for all ages and skills
To strengthen the financial underpinning that will seamlessly continue NPD's mission into the next decade and beyond.
Naming Opportunities
To honor donors at many levels, we offer a selection of naming opportunities in Northern Plains Dance’s new facility. Donors may choose from a full range of gift opportunities, from $500 for a locker to $1,000,000 for a theater. We hope to engage all our supporters in this exciting undertaking and effort and encourage you to call or email us to make a gift today.
Black Box Theater
Theater Lobby
Studio A (sponsored)
Studio B
Studio C
Studio D
NPD Lobby
Studio E
Studio F
Costume Center
Office – Director
Reception Area
Black Box Control Room
Pilates Center (sponsored)
Physical Therapy Center
Locker Rooms (3)
Office – Studio Administrator
Office – Marketing
Office – Outreach
Office – School Director
Office – Instructors
Conference Room
Study Area (sponsored)
Restrooms (4)
Studio Wall Mirrors (6)
Marley Dance Floors (6)
Laundry Room
Nursing Rooms (1 of 2 available)
Janitorial Closet (sponsored)
Studio Barres (2 of 6 available)
Lobby Seating (2)
Black Box Theater Seats (96 of 100 available)
Pavement Tiles or Bricks
Lockers (94 of 100 available)