Donate Now
For more than 20 years, Northern Plains Dance has educated dancers and inspired audiences. Individuals, foundations, corporations and government agencies provide us with the resources to bring the joy of dance to the lives of community members. A contribution today ensures the continuation of the highest level of training, performance and outreach throughout the year.
You can support Northern Plains Dance in a variety of ways and through multiple giving options. However you choose to support us — and at whatever level — your generosity is both essential and truly appreciated. Every gift counts!

Northern Plains Dance is supported by volunteers who donate their time to advance our art form. Individuals and groups are welcome and encouraged to volunteer with Northern Plains Dance. A wide variety of volunteer opportunities are available.
In preparation for productions, help is needed hanging posters around town, painting sets, sewing buttons, packing costumes, and more.
During productions volunteers are needed to help set up the stage, hand out programs, manage the back stage, maintain costumes, serve as dressing room attendants, sell souvenirs, tear down at the Belle Mehus following performances, and more.
General volunteer activities may include organizing, cleaning, and painting.
Northern Plains Dance is pleased to have been chosen by the Missouri Slope Area United Way for the past several years as a project site for the Day of Caring Event in August. Thanks to our volunteers and donations from our community, we are able to improve our studio through a new coat of paint, light construction, and organization of our sets, props, and costumes.

In supporting Northern Plains Dance your organization will experience a diverse repertoire which reflects both the tradition of classical ballet and the vitality and creativity of contemporary dance. Our partnership will be tailored to meet your business needs while your support enables us to enrich and stimulate the widest audiences, while nurturing new programs and talent.
Northern Plains Dance is grateful to our corporate supporters who provide essential gifts to meet our operating needs and fund special initiatives. Corporate support of Northern Plains Dance, cultural activities, and the arts community ensures that Bismarck is a successful, dynamic, and creative place to live and work, which in turn attracts business interest in our region and talent to our workforce.