northern plains Dance
The road to
An inside look at the audition process for NPD Productions.
Audition FAQ
what should my child wear to the audition?
Girls should wear pink tights, a solid-colored (usually black) leotard, and ballet slippers. Hair should be in a bun or, if hair is short, pinned back off the face.
Boys should wear black tights, dance pants or black basketball shorts, a tucked-in white shirt, and black ballet shoes or socks.
Is there a fee to particpate?
There is no fee to audition. If the dancer is cast, there is a $85 Production Fee (additional fees apply if a dancer is cast in multiple roles) as well at a $75 Volunteer Deposit that you can earn back by helping out over the course of the production. (Additional fees apply if more than one cast member in your family.)
Are there hidden costs?
While there are no “hidden costs,” NPD requires each cast member to purchase their own undergarments through NPD. Two of the three required items are also worn for dance class. In addition, cast members must provide their own hair and makeup kits, as outlined. As NPD makes and owns all of its costumes, there is no costume fee. There are also opportunities throughout the production period for a cast member to purchase “add-ons”. These include tickets to the cast party, a cast shirt, photos, and performance videos but are not required for participation.
will my dancer rehearse for all 10 weeks?
The youngest cast members don’t begin rehearsing right away. You can find information on when rehearsals begin in the Handbook. Specific times for each week will be shared the week prior.
what is the time commitment?
Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings or Saturday afternoons during the months of September-December. Typically, dancers ages 4-10 will rehearse on Saturday afternoons and dancers ages 10+ will rehearse on Thursdays and Saturdays (though some exceptions may apply.) The day and time of your rehearsal depends on the availability of dancers with your role and WILL NOT necessarily remain consistent.
Dancers ages 4-6 typically have between 30 and 45 minutes of rehearsal per week. Dancers ages 7-11 typically have between 45 minutes to 2 hours of rehearsals per week. Dancers ages 12+ typically have 4 – 6 hours of rehearsal per week. Note that exceptions may apply.
what does the week of production look like?
Theater rehearsals are MANDATORY and will take place at the Belle Mehus Auditiorium during the late afternoon to evening of Monday and Tuesday of production week. Note that during theater rehearsals, cast members are not necessarily required each night.
Dress rehearsals are MANDATORY. Dress rehearsal for Cast A will be Wednesday of production week and dress rehearsal for Cast B will be Thursday. Those participating in both Cast A & B are expected to attend both dress rehearsals.
will my child perform in all 4 performances?
Most roles for the youngest cast members (4-6) are double-cast. This means that the “A” cast will perform 2 shows and the “B” cast will perform 2 shows.
For example, there are two casts (8 dancers in each cast) for the role of Flower Fairies – the A Cast and the B Cast. One dancer from each of these two casts share the same “spot” and they are known as “alternates” for each other. Each cast will perform 2 performances as Flower Fairies.
However, most of the roles have only one cast. This means most cast members ages 7 and up will perform this role for all 4 performances.
when will i know in which performances they will participate?
When the cast list is posted, dancers will see that they are listed with a particular cast and will know then the dates on which they will perform.
may i request that my child does not perform on sundays?
As we have one performance on Sunday and most of the roles have only one cast, dancers ages 7 and up will perform on Sunday.